MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type HGUC Wallpaper

MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type

Technology & Combat Characteristics

The S-Type Zaku II features a squad-leader "antenna" that is mounted on the head on the Zaku II, which is used to designate squad-leaders or higher ranking pilots from other squad-members or lower ranking pilots. It also featured a more powerful powerplant. In turn, the S-Type Zaku II had greater thrust and acceleration. This allowed them to move at speeds 3x faster than a normal Zaku II (This figure was later retconned to +30%). This made it incredibly dangerous in the hands of the ace pilots it was handed out to, such as the "Red Comet" Char Aznable, who sank 5 Magellan-Class Battleships in theBattle of Loum.

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